It's Not You, It's Me
I agree with this guy. Lentils ARE pure f**king evil.
So much for my unfortunate lentil and winter squash tagine, taken from The Produce Bible. Thursday night's dinner became more like Thursday night's disaster. Well, maybe not a total fiasco, but it's rare that I walk away from a plate of food. Me and the Clean Plate Club go waaaaay the hell back, so if I don't finish, you know something is amiss.
I like spices like turmeric, cumin and cinnamon. I like butternut squash. But lentils? I don't think they and I are meant to co-mingle. I think it's a texture thing.
Lentils, I'm sorry, it's not going to work. We're just not compatible.
So much for my unfortunate lentil and winter squash tagine, taken from The Produce Bible. Thursday night's dinner became more like Thursday night's disaster. Well, maybe not a total fiasco, but it's rare that I walk away from a plate of food. Me and the Clean Plate Club go waaaaay the hell back, so if I don't finish, you know something is amiss.
I like spices like turmeric, cumin and cinnamon. I like butternut squash. But lentils? I don't think they and I are meant to co-mingle. I think it's a texture thing.
Lentils, I'm sorry, it's not going to work. We're just not compatible.
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