All Praise to Paul Newman

Not only are his eyes the most lovely of cool blue, Paul Newman's bottled dressings, lemonade and other food products are pretty awesome too.

Forget his classic turn in "Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid" - he's earned a star in his crown from his line's take on Oreos, the Newman-O's. Scott picked up a bag of them earlier in the week and somehow they completely disappeared. The mint ones will blow your mind.

It's the crispness of the cookie that surpasses the Oreo, and the fact that it's all organic and void of any trans fats or hydrogenated ickiness is just the icing on the cake, I mean, the filling between the cookie. If you're going to go the grocery store and hunt down a sweet treat, go for these.

Major thanks to Asheville friend Steve for introducing us to the joy of Paul Newman's cookies.


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