I Found My New Motto This Week

This is brilliant. Ever since I read it on Wednesday I've internally chanted the mantra "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants." I even wrote it on a Post-It (yes, thank GOD for Post-Its!) and put it at my desk as a reminder that I don't have to intake in mass quantities of crap just because it tastes good and my hands and rumbling stomach take over from my mind every time I reach for edible products.

I placed Pollan's book on hold at the library so I can learn more about his approach. I like his point that past generations would fail to recognize most of what we eat as actual food products. I doubt my own great-grandmother from "down home" on the farm in Badin, N.C. would have known what the hell Cheetos or Milk Duds are.

My promise this year is to SLOW DOWN when it comes to eating. It's amazing how fast a meal that takes nearly an hour to prepare gets sucked down in sheer minutes. I think slowing down could lead to less food intake and a greater appreciation of taste, texture, etc. The Japanese and their "Hara Hachi Bu" rule are right on! 80 percent fullness...I think I need a gauge inserted in my torso to help me with the precision. Otherwise I tend to eat until I'm either struggling to breathe or the plate is bare with nary a crumb around. How crazy is that!

Chrissy at work shared this recipe with me for her tasty flax crackers. This weekend I'll hunt down some flax meal to give it a try. They are surprisingly crispy and flavorful and taste like something that would probably cost $6.99 a box at Whole Foods.

Chrissy has 86-ed carbs, which I didn't know people were still doing. I thought that craze, with the "pizza in a bucket" and "bunless burgers" had long gone.
I think that it's smart to avoid white flour-type foods as much as possible but a world without bread would just be awful. I shudder to think...

Now I am off to make soup and salad, maybe a sandwich (the carbs are coming, the carbs are coming!)

Big luuuuuuv to all...
Burger in bowl....YUM!


  1. I, too, am a BIG fan of Michael Pollan!

    (As I sit here and eat my daily allotment of raw cookie dough)

    The slowing down idea is a good one, and makes for an enjoyable meal... but it reminds me of a certain time at Bojangles... you, me, eric, and a time limit!

  2. I always felt that too many people consider a meal like a visit to the gas station.....eat, eat, eat.....DING!! Tank is full....time to drive off.
    How sad is that?!?!?
    California Mom

  3. Jenni,
    The Bojangles memories! I just remember a LOT of Chicken Supremes combos with honey mustard sauce. Damn, sometimes you just have to have Bojangles. That reminds me - Scott should blog about his hangover Bojangles biscuit run that ended in a speeding ticket.
    - Erin


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