If Digging In The Dirt Isn't Your Jam
From the fantastic Savannah, GA store Kitchens on the Square Gardening is the focus of my posts here these days, but I realize it's not for everyone. For several years Scott and I lived in rental houses and skipped around so often that it wasn't worth it to garden. It's requires advance planning and it's physically demanding -- just like work -- and we know some people have an aversion to that sort of thing. Maybe your yard isn't set up for optimal sunlight or your knees just won't let you bend low to grab stuff off the vines. And perhaps it comes down to time -- there's never enough of it, right? So if you love fresh produce but gardening isn't going to happen, you have some options. Consider joining a CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture program. It's like a subscription for fruits and vegetables. The Charlotte Observer's Kathleen Purvis recently wrote about CSA s, and the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association just shared a video ...